Thursday, May 10, 2012

 Experimental, High Tech 'Ghost Town' Being Built in New Mexico

Rabinowitz, Marco. "Experimental, High Tech 'Ghost Town' Being Built in New Mexico."Benzinga. Web. 10 May 2012. <>.

Summary: A new invention company is proposing a plan to make a real life "ghost town" to test things like driver-less cars, new types of renewable energy sources, and communication networks. Their plan is to build this town in New Mexico. It is going to look just like a city; with roads houses and buildings, but nobody will live there. The project will include a downtown, suburbs and rural area; each with highways gas stations banks and malls. The project will also have fully functioning utilities and telecommunications. Similar to Disney World, all of these features will be run from an underground command room. Inventors say it will be the ideal way to test new renewable resource theories on a real life city. Also, in the city defense systems against terrorism can be tested without actually putting any people in danger. The 20 square mile grid has been called The Center for Innovation, Testing, and Evaluation or The Center, New Mexico for short. The plan is estimated to cost 400 million dollars, but project leaders tend to think that the overall investment in the project will cost well over 1 billion dollars. Also, The Center is going to need about 3,500 jobs total to run the ghost city.
Projected image of what the city will look like.

Close up shot of what the city will look like.
Opinion: I personally think that this ghost town city is a really good idea because it is a way to get an accurate reading on if things work, but if they do not then no human life is being hurt. Also, I think that a city like this would put America back on the map for innovation because I do not know of any other places in the world with a virtual city testing ground. The fact that the city will create so many jobs is also a huge bonus because so many Americans are out of work right now and it could really boost our economy in the long run. 

  1. Do you think that building a ghost town is a good idea? Why or why not.
  2. What do you think is the best way to test protection plans, renewable resources, and smart technology?
  3. How do you think that a project like this will help America?


  1. Opinion: I think this is just what we need to really start using renewable energy sources. It is a great way of experimenting without causing problems for anyone Else. This could lead to some amazing advances in renewable energy!

    question 3: I really do think this will help America! It is creating jobs, and creating renewable energy. It is not affecting anyone and can lead to advancements in several areas. The ghost town is a great idea and if they can afford the billion dollars to do i think it should defiantly happen! This could solve the problem of depleting fossil fuels and help save the environment if successful! I think this is a great project not only for America but for the whole world.

  2. This is a really cool article! It is very interesting to hear ideas like these. I think this will be really cool and definitely make the US stand out from other countries. We could get way ahead in technology and it would keep people safe.
    Question 1: I think the ghost town is a really great idea. It does cost a lot but it will be creating jobs and keeping people safe so it is worth it. We will be able to test so many new things that could help the country. We will be able to try so many more things that we could not test with a real city.

  3. Wow! This article was very interesting. I remember hearing something about this on TV but I wasn't sure what it's purpose was. Even though this seems like a costly investment, it seems like a very good idea. In the long run it will keep people safe, and it provides jobs which is very good in this economy where it is hard to find a job.

    In response to question 1, I think that this is a good idea. Although it will cost a lot of money, it will be helping us in the long run. Jobs will be provided and our country will be safer. All of these benefits seem good enough to overlook the high cost of the ghost town.
