Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Does Dirty Air Make Us Dumb?

Air Pollution Causes Harmful Physical Changes in The Brain
"Air Pollution Causes Harmful Physical Changes in the Brain." Air Pollution Causes Harmful Physical Changes in the Brain. Web. 23 May 2012. <>. 

Ohio State has been conducting research on the effect that air pollution can have on human brains. The results they found are definitely something to be concerned about. The effects include physical changes and effects like memory loss, learning and depression. The most recent study done has shown that extended exposure to air pollution can lead other changes in the body including; diabetes and hypertension. The study also showed that air pollution from cars, factories, and natural dust can settle into the lungs and organs of the body because the particles are so small. The population exposed to the pollutants showed severe impairments in memory, learning, caused depression and caused anxiety. 
This is a brain effected by air pollution
Most common types of air pollution.

Reflection: In my opinion, we should be very concerned about the amount of air pollution we are in taking. Also mentioned in the article, the pollution is the worst in large cities and that is really worrisome considering a lot of people in our country are living in cities. I think that we need to come up with a way to stop air pollution as soon as possible or our country is all going to intellectual problems.

1.      Should we be concerned about an air pollution affecting our brains? Why or why not?
2.       Do you think that alternative energy could solve this problem? If so which kind of alternative energy?
3.      What do you think is the biggest cause of air pollution and how could we cut back on it?
4.      Do you know any other effects air pollution can have on the body and brain?


  1. Opinion: I think this is very scary. I was well aware that pollution was not good for you but I never knew it could affect our brains. I guess it makes sense though. It makes me very nervous and it should put even more pressure on scientist to find an alternative energy source before it gets any worse.

    Question 3. I think most of the pollution is coming from cars and other automobiles. I think that if more automobile switched to electric it could really help the environment. Another polluter is industries. I think we really need to switch to an alternative source that gives off less pollution. Switching energy could help our health and the worlds too! I think that if people value their mental capabilities then they should begin to make the switch to an alternative source such as electric cars and nuclear powered industries.

  2. This is a very interesting article. I never really thought about what air pollution could be doing to our brains. It is very worrying to think of the effects that pollution can have on our brains. It makes we wondering what other health effects different types of pollution have on us.
    Question 1: We should be very concerned about the effects that air pollution has on our brains. It is important because we can't all become sick because of our air. Air is supposed to be clean, fresh, and healthy not make us sick. We need to find ways to keep our air cleaner.

  3. This article was very interesting. I had no idea that air pollution could have such severe effects on the human brain. This puts an interesting spin on this and makes me really think about air pollution now and its harmful effects that follow. In my opinion, people should be much more concerned about air pollution, and especially people that are living in cities.

    In response to question 4, some of the other affects air pollution can have on the body and brain are chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the nerves, liver, or kidneys. Also, another type of air pollution not listed in this article is the air pollution caused by cigarettes. People face severe health problems from both smoking and from second hand smoke.
