Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Carbon in the air

Title: What we can do to cut energy use
Source:The Austin American-Statesman (TX). (June 10, 2002): Opinion and Editorial: pA10. From Student Resources in Context.URL:|A87086022&docType=GALE&role=SUIC

Summary: In enviornmental science we learned about the carbon cycle. We found out that a lot of the carbon in the air currently comes from the burning of fossil fuels. Humans burn fossil fuels in various ways and humans are burning so much fossil fuels that it is beginning to effect the climate. Global warming is a trending topic that has many people concerned. Many people have began to look at different energy sources such as solar and wind energy, which combined only make up one percent of humans energy sources. These are more environmentally correct ways to use energy. Another energy source is electricity. Electric cars are relatively new and although more expensive they are so much more environmentally correct. if people continue to use the method of burning Fossil Fuels there are some tips that can help to limit the pollution; such as carpooling or using mass transit. Also do try to switch to different types of energy.

picture description:
The pictures above describe the article i read. The picture of the car exhaust shows how carbon dioxide enters the air. This is the pollution we are trying to fix.

The picture below is to show one way of fixing the pollution. If more vegetation was added to Earth than the plants could use the carbon but the

Opinion: I feel that with today’s technology it is easy to switch to environmentally correct items. I feel that the three main problems with having people follow suit are as follows 1. Expenses -people cannot afford to spend more money to help the planet especially in today's economy. 2. People do not see the effect it is having on the planet and do not feel it is their problem. 3. lastly many people do not adapt to change well. people do not want to have to use special light bulbs or install solar panels on their roofs. This can often go “hand-and-hand” with laziness. If people can address those three problems then the air pollution would not e such a problem in today’s society.

1. Name 5 five things you do in your house to conserve energy.
2. Why do you feel people don’t switch to things that are better for the environment?
3. If cars that used fossil fuels and cars that were electric powered were the same price and just as easy to use do you think people would switch over to electric powered.
4. What are three things companies could do to persuade people to switch away from using fossil fuels and veer towards say solar power?


  1. Question 2: I totally agree with Holly that people don't want to change because they are pretty much just lazy. They feel like if the world ends, it will not be in their lifetime, so who cares? They also just don't have to money for it. The economy is bad and many people are unemployed, so they aren't as worried about saving the planet as getting dinner on the table. I think that once the environmentally friendly stuff is around longer then people will be more open to it and hopefully the economy gets better soon so more people have the option to go green.

  2. Question 1: In my house, my family tries to conserve energy as best as possible. For example, we always make sure to recycle which helps to reduce the amount of waste. We spend a few less minutes in the shower each day which adds up to a lot of water not wasted, and also saves energy. Along with saving energy, we make it a point to turn off our computers, television, and other electronics when not in use. Preserving energy helps the environment a lot in the long run, which is why we also use energy star light bulbs. If every household in the U.S. took this one simple action we would prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions from nearly 10 million cars. Also, in my household we own a Prius which is a full hybrid electric car. This not only saves us money on gas, but saves the environment one gallon at a time.

  3. This article really just goes to show how things need to change. I agree with this. I think that we do need to start being more environmentally friendly. In my own house we are doing little thing to help. Question 2: I agree with Holly, people are opposed to change and lazy. They are so set in their ways that they dont want to change for the environment. They also dont think it will effect them but if we want a better environment we have to start. Even starting small, people should just open their minds up to the idea of change for the better good of the environment.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Question three:I think if an electrical powered vehicle and a fossil fuel vehicle were the same price, many people would switch over. I believe this because it would be the same price and many people would see that it will help them out in the long run for not only their wallets but also possibly their lives and their children's lives. Unlike the light bulb analogy, my family pays more for the CFLs and LEDs light bulbs we get rather then just paying for ones that will burn out faster because my family is always home so the lights tend to always be on. But like Holly said, people are lazy and don't want to pay as much for those which is why people don't buy them. I think though if the two light bulbs were priced at the same amount, more people would switch over and buy the environmentally friendly light bulbs just as they would for the vehicle.

  6. I'm adding my opinion and reflection. I think that it is scary that what we do can effect the environment so much. Eventually if people don't change their ways we will see extreme changes in the global climate, weather and air quality. Thinking about this article and how it applies to my life I realize that my family could make some improvements, but all together we try to recycle and turn off the lights. We could switch to energy efficient light bulbs and when it is time for a new car we could look into a hybrid.
